| ‘We had to kick some chairs!’

Mandla Ncikazi (Gallo Images)

Mandla Ncikazi (Gallo Images)

Mandla Ncikazi has warned Orlando Pirates they will need to tighten up at the back to progress in the CAF Confederation Cup.

Pirates cruised to a 6-2 victory over Eswatini side Royal Leopards on Sunday but only after going two goals down first.

Goals from Mzwandile Mabelesa (6′) and Thabiso Mokenkoane (8′) put Leopards ahead, while an own-goal from Machawe Dlamini (20′) gave Ncikazi’s side a way back into the tie.

Bandile Shandu (38′) levelled the tie before Bucs ran their opponents ragged in the second half with strikes from Kwame Peprah (45+1), Happy Jele (57′), Kabelo Dlamini (60′) and Terrence Dzavukamanja (80′).

Bucs ended the weekend on top of Group B with six points from three games.

“We had to kick some chairs. We had to break some desks because I thought the mentality that the team brought in the first half was not what we expected, which we warned them about,” said the Pirates assistant coach.

“If you take things lightly like we did, we cannot start matches like that it’s unlike us. A team like us, sometimes you won’t have an opportunity to come back like it happened.

“So a start is important, a positive start, start on the front foot. And I don’t think today we did that.

“God being good, we could come back, but other matches, we won’t have such an opportunity.”

Pirates are back in action on Wednesday in the DStv Premiership against Cape Town City.

Kick-off is at 17:30.

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