News24 | Proteas coach stands by Reeza despite wretched World Cup run: ‘He certainly has my backing’

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South African opening batter Reeza Hendricks is being backed to succeed by Proteas white-ball coach Rob Walter despite enduring a difficult T20 World Cup. (Robert Cianflone/Gallo Images)

South African opening batter Reeza Hendricks is being backed to succeed by Proteas white-ball coach Rob Walter despite enduring a difficult T20 World Cup. (Robert Cianflone/Gallo Images)

Proteas white ball coach Rob
Walter has made clear his support for struggling opener Reeza Hendricks, saying
the Lions dasher still has his backing, despite his abject numbers.

Hendricks, who has had to
twiddle his thumbs at previous International Cricket Council events, has had a
rough outing at the ongoing T20 World Cup that has now fully shifted to the
West Indies.

Walter said the difficult nature
of the US pitches, especially in New York, meant the collective top-order
struggle needed to be written off.

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