Newton, NH Author Publishes Children’s Book

ABCs of Chemistry Lab, a new book by Dr. Alexandria Leveille and Marissa Allegrezza, has been released by RoseDog Books.

The ABCs of Chemistry Lab is a beautifully illustrated children’s book which will engage and inspire the youngest generation of scientists while teaching them about basic chemistry lab techniques and concepts. These simple explanations will help your toddlers be a step ahead in their future scientific explorations! This STEM book makes a perfect addition to any classroom, nursery, library, or anywhere your future scientist enjoys reading! So grab your safety goggles and lab coat, we’re heading into the world of chemistry!

About the Author
Dr. Alexandria Leveille received her PhD in Organic Chemistry from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. While receiving her degree, she mentored an undergraduate, Marissa Allegrezza who received her Bachelor’s of Science in Chemistry in 2022 from the same institution. Living in Massachusetts with their miniature dachshunds, Cocoa and Finley, these two friends started writing children’s chemistry books to excite the future scientists of the world. This is their first publication.

ABCs of Chemistry Lab is a 30-page paperback with a retail price of $18.00 (eBook $13.00). The ISBN is 979-8-88925-471-3. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To buy the book, visit our online bookstore at

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