Nicole Zignago, Camilo Long for Lost Affection in ‘Mimos’ Video

“I simply take purely beautiful memories from this,” the Peruvian star tells Rolling Stone about working with Camilo and Eva Luna on the track

Craving intimacy after a difficult breakup is one of the worst feelings.

On Friday, Nicole Zignago released her single “Mimos” alongside Camilo, and premiered its gorgeous video, directed by Camilo’s wife Eva Luna Montaner, with Rolling Stone. The track hears the two stars singing about the often toxic back-and-forth following a difficult romantic split.

“For the video’s concept, I gave free rein to Eva Luna so she could experiment,” Zigango tells Rolling Stone. “I admire her very much as a person, as a mother, as a friend, as a director. [With the visuals,] she narrates beautifully with imagery about what it is like to be involved in a relationship that goes up and down, comes and goes. It’s one of my favorite videos ever.”

The video sees the pair of musicians posing from inside of an empty house as they sing the heartbreak lyrics to each other from within different rooms of the same home. “The atmosphere during the video shoot and in the recording studio felt so beautiful, so light, so easy to do that I simply take purely beautiful memories from this,” Zigango says.

The Peruvian singer worked on “Mimos” for nearly five years, and said it was “a gigantic honor” to tap her best friend Camilo for the song. “Not only do I have the honor of calling him a friend but I am also his fan and working on this song with him is a dream come true,” she says. “Everything has remained in the family.”

Camilo echoed his excitement for working with Zigango, calling her one of the “most talented and unique artists I know.”

“It is my first collaboration with an artist from Peru, which is one of the countries that has been most open to my music and has been very important in my career, so I am very happy to be able to return all that love with this emotional song,” Camilo tells Rolling Stone.


“Mimos” follows the release of Zignago’s “26 – ni trade ni temprano” in February. Her last project arrived in 2022 with EP Así Me Siento Hoy, which earned her a Best New Artist Latin Grammy nod.

“This whole album is going to be raw, vulnerable, honest, like we would say in Spanish: sin pelos en la lengua,” she told Rolling Stone in 2022. “I’m telling real stories about real people, real connections, real love. I’ve been realizing love — love in my relationships, lack of love sometimes — has always been the force that drives my inspiration.”

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