The Special Military Taskforce responsible for maintaining peace in Plateau State has announced the discovery of a weapons fabrication factory in the Mangu Local Government Area.

The raid on the factory, located in Pakachi Village on a high mountainous terrain, resulted in the recovery of various illicit firearms, ammunition, and equipment.

Captain Oya James, the spokesman for the Military Taskforce, revealed in a statement that the operation led to the arrest of a suspect, Mr. Tapshak Plangji, a 25-year-old male believed to be involved in the illegal activities at the factory.

The alleged owner, Mr. Nuhu Meshack, is currently at large, and efforts are underway to apprehend him.

Items recovered from the facility include 5 AK 47 Rifles, 4 AK 47 Magazines, 11 Rounds of 7.62mm Ammunition, 5 Rounds of 9mm Ammunition, 21 Dane Guns, 4 Revolver Rifles, 11 Pistols with 5 Magazines, 17 Gun Barrels, 6 Rounds of 0.44 Inch Ammunition, A Carbide Cylinder with Accessories, 3 Saws, 12 Filing Machines, 4 Hammers, 6 Manual Drilling Machines, 2 Electrically Operated Filling Machines, 2 G-Clamps, One Spraying Machine, One Tiger Generator, and assorted drilling irons.

The suspect, Mr. Plangji, along with the recovered rifles and other items, is currently in the custody of the troops for further investigation.

The discovery comes after a similar operation in November of the previous year when the troops uncovered and dismantled an illegal weapon manufacturing factory in Vom, Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.