Nine Engine SpaceX Starship for 50% More Payload to Orbit

Elon Musk says that future Starships – or at least certain Starship variants – are being upgraded with 50% more Raptor engines and stretched propellant tanks. This will increase engines from 6 to 9. SpaceX will also increase fuel to about 300 tons. This will enable a larger Starship and Superheavy to launch 220 tons to orbit instead of 150 tons.

On December 17th, the Elon confirmed a tweet from three months ago.

The ship is just begging for three more vacuum engines to be added. Tanks will stretch for more propellant load.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 18, 2021

Something like this maybe?

— The_Denks (@TheDenks) December 18, 2021

The SpaceX Starship would be stretched about 5-6 meters with larger fuel tanks.

The full refueling of Starship in orbit would drop from 8-9 launches down to 7.

If Elon is right with>300 bar, a 9 engine Ship with 300 t more propellant could target 220 t to 200×200 km / 32°. Good thing: Booster would need less boost back propellant. Obviously, we gotta see if I’m right with my mass estimates. And I’m still not sure about SL Isp. Anyone?

— Aeneas (@Phrankensteyn) December 19, 2021

The first orbital test launch of a SpaceX Super Heavy Starship is likely delayed until March because of FAA regulatory delays.

SOURCES- Teslarati, Aeneas, Elon Musk, The_Denks
Written by Brian Wang,

Brian Wang is a Futurist Thought Leader and a popular Science blogger with 1 million readers per month. His blog is ranked #1 Science News Blog. It covers many disruptive technology and trends including Space, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Anti-aging Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology.

Known for identifying cutting edge technologies, he is currently a Co-Founder of a startup and fundraiser for high potential early-stage companies. He is the Head of Research for Allocations for deep technology investments and an Angel Investor at Space Angels.

A frequent speaker at corporations, he has been a TEDx speaker, a Singularity University speaker and guest at numerous interviews for radio and podcasts.  He is open to public speaking and advising engagements.

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