“No assets, we move forward”. Draghi, the harsh reply to Salvini: the X time? “In a few days…”

The question and answer at a distance between Matteo Salvini and Mario Draghi goes on. The clash between the two began with the League’s choice not to participate in the Council of Ministers, where the draft delegation to the government for the revision of the tax system was approved yesterday. “The reasons for his absence will be explained to us by Mr Salvini”, said the premier at a press conference. The reply from the secretary of the Carroccio came close: “We do not vote on the Tax Delegation because does not contain what was in the agreements” . And again: “Land registry reform, Imu increases and house taxes? Today and tomorrow, a sharp no from the League”.

Draghi, however, intervened from Slovenia – where he took part in the informal EU-Western Balkans summit – denied the patrimonial hypothesis. Indeed he said: “ The government goes on , not there is no patrimonial “. Then he threw a jab at the leader of the League: “Why hide behind the opacity?”. On a possible government crisis, however, he said: “Yesterday or the day before yesterday I said ‘ask Salvini’. Today he spoke and said that participation in the government does not is under discussion: we will see you in the next few days “.

According to a background of the Corriere della Sera, tensions would have arisen shortly before the Cdm of yesterday. The Northern League minister Massimo Garavaglia would have asked Draghi – a name of the League – to postpone the vote on the tax measure in the aftermath of the administrative election. The premier would not have wanted to hear reasons. Even today, in fact, he said: “The government goes on. His action cannot follow the electoral calendar , because it must follow that of the PNNR reforms “.

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