No compulsory migrants. Compare the party's election promises focused on foreign policy

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Migration Relations with the EU Bilateral relations Adoption of the euro Army
YES rejection of mandatory quotas
or the allocation of refugees, strengthening
protection of external borders, sending
money to the place of conflict so that
refugees do not move,
consistent return policy
not to strengthen competences at the expense of nation states, to pay more attention to diplomacy and foreign relations, such as the trade agreement with the USA; the need to address the imperfect principle of the free movement of goods, services, people and capital emphasis on cooperation within the V4, efforts to strengthen ties with Germany and Austria continue to build relations with Israel, intensify economic lines to Vietnam, South Korea, Japan,
Thailand and India; defense of human rights remains a pillar and standard
now not, the crown strengthens Czech self-sufficiency Declaration of the goal of achieving
for expenditure to 2 percent of GDP, an increase
in the number of soldiers in active service and reserves,
higher involvement in defense activities
NATO, more than 100 billion investment in military armaments and equipment; NATO membership
is a priority and unquestionable
TOGETHER rejection of mandatory quotas, migration
the policy is decided by each country itself; prioritizing tackling migration outside the EU, as well as increasing money for refugee camps near conflict countries so that refugees
do not go to Europe; speeding up the return process of rejected asylum seekers
better use of non-eligible
grant programs under
EU development science,
research and innovation
development of ties with promising partners
such as Israel, Japan, South Korea , Taiwan; consistent maintenance of the Havel policy line in diplomacy in the form of support and promotion of democracy and civil society, strengthening ties with Germany and maintaining cooperation within the V4
X 2 percent of GDP defense spending
by 2025 and armed with NATO standards; NATO membership
is the basis of security, common
the European army does not make sense;
strengthening the Alliance’s presence
in Poland and the Baltics
PIRATES AND MAYORS not mandatory quotas, solidarity should be voluntary and solutions responsible, safe and humane; consistent return policy;
the aim is to prevent migration in their countries of origin and to keep at labor level, legal migration
facilitating entry for students and workers with high added value
strengthening cooperation within Erasmus, digitization, environment and health, for example when purchasing vaccines; support for the transition from subsidies to repayable subsidies, such as loans; interested in strengthening the position of the European Parliament so that it can legislate and increase the area where the Council and Parliament decide together deepening cooperation within international platforms such as the UN or the G7; deeper relations with Taiwan, the development of those with its closest neighbors, the Eastern Partnership countries and the Western Balkans renewal of the function of the National Coordinator for the Introduction of the Euro, preparation of a study for entry into the euro area increase defense spending to 2% of GDP by the end of the legislature; emphasis on the involvement of domestic companies in armaments; support for the establishment of joint European military forces and active participation in NATO missions,
strengthening the presence in the Baltics
SPD rejection of quotas and protection of Czech
borders, the EU’s external border must be
did not release
illegal migrants; reclassification of illegal crossing of the borders of the Czech Republic or illegal stay here as a criminal offense
enforcement of the law on direct
referendum for citizens to vote
on EU membership, with the party
supporting and aiming
is leaving the Union
prioritizing cooperation within the V4, especially in the field of security and defense; opening up the issue of outstanding World War II reparations from Germany; development aid only to those countries from which the Czech Republic can benefit from trade benefits no enforcing the law on a direct referendum so that citizens vote on remaining in NATO; modernization of military equipment with maximum involvement of the domestic arms industry; the main task is to defend the homeland, not a foreign mission; Rejection of the Common European Army
KSČM rejection
any quotas
fundamental strengthening of equality
Member States, strengthening the role
of the European Parliament
the resumption of “all-round relations” with Russia and China; non-application of economic sanctions against other countries now not, in the future only on the basis of a referendum replacement of support for ivních aggressive
military blocs “collective
European” security organization “,
so the army
CSSD not mandatory quotas, for restrictions
migration needs effective return
as well as asylum policies, concluding agreements
with countries of origin and transit and reinforcement
development and humanitarian aid
near or in places of conflict
strengthening the social pillar within the EU and jointly combating tax havens and evasion; greater cooperation between the security forces of the individual states – the army, police and intelligence services; support for close cooperation between the EU and the countries of the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union developing links within the
V4, in addition to the strategic dialogue
with Austria and Germany; Strategic
is an alliance with the US, but develop
ties to Russia and China are also necessary there,
where it is mutually beneficial
only when this will lead to a strengthening of the purchasing power of the Czechs long-term military expenditure
1.4 percent of GDP; The Czechia
is an integral part of NATO, support
and the Joint European Army project; modernization of the army combined
with the support of domestic industry

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