No hassle with cables in new Porsche

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Geen gedoe met kabeltjes in nieuwe PorscheGeen gedoe met kabeltjes in nieuwe PorschePorsche PCM

Porsche rolled out a new update for PCM in the 911 , Taycan, Cayenne and Panamera. No more hassle with cables!

Would the average Porsche driver have an iPhone or Android smartphone? Doesn’t matter either. The fact is that the group with the latter device can be happy with the latest update of Porsche Communication Management (PCM). The sixth generation of the infotainment system in a Porsche now has support for wireless Porsche PCMAndroid Auto. Wireless Apple CarPlay was already possible. Hassle with cables is now a thing of the past.

Geen gedoe met kabeltjes in nieuwe PorscheGeen gedoe met kabeltjes in nieuwe PorschePorsche PCM

The sixth generation PCM brings much more than just wireless Android Auto support. For example, Porsche PCMSpotify

is integrated into the system. Furthermore, the interface has been given a makeover to modernize it a bit. The Voice Pilot voice assistant has been optimized and there are improvements for planning a charging stop with a

electric car. Geen gedoe met kabeltjes in nieuwe Porsche

Geen gedoe met kabeltjes in nieuwe PorschePorsche PCM

The best integration is perhaps integrated Spotify with PCM 6.0. This way you can also listen to the music service without your smartphone being present in the car for whatever reason. The only requirement is Porsche Connect, so the car can connect to the internet to stream music.

PCM generation number six is ​​standard on any newly configured Porsche 911, Taycan, Cayenne and Panamera.

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