North Korea launches “unknown” missile for second time in a week

North Korea proceeded to launch missile “unknown” to the sea east of the peninsula, according to the South Korean General Staff, citing the South Korean national news agency Yonhap, a week before the test of what Pyongyang assured was a supersonic missile. A little while ago, the Japanese news agency Kyodo reported that the rocket fell into the sea, outside the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Japan, citing government sources in Tokyo.

– JEREMY SONG (@ JEREMYSONG750) January 10, 2022

The South Korean staff did not provide details on the type of weapon tested.

Last Wednesday, North Korea announced that it had launched a “supersonic missile” and that the test

The new weapons test from Pyongyang, which has a nuclear arsenal, was recorded a few days ago. After the commitment of Kim Jong Un to strengthen the capabilities of the North Korean armed forces to deal with the unstable international situation, as he sees it.

It was also recorded just a few hours after six Member States of the UN Security Council (US, UK, France, Japan, Ireland, Albania), called on it to refrain from “any new destabilizing action”, warning it against a threatened “miscalculation”.

“We call on North Korea to refrain from any new provocative actions, to abandon its banned weapons development programs and to engage in a constructive dialogue with our common goal of full denuclearization. Of the Korean Peninsula, said the US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield .

Her weapons tests “increase the risk of error and escalation and pose a major threat to regional stability”, the diplomat added, reading the text of the joint statement of the six states during a closed-door meeting. UN UN, dedicated to the launch of Fr.

North Korea “must now choose dialogue and peace over its threatening and illegal armaments program,” insisted Thomas-Greenfield.

Pyongyang says it needs its arsenal to defend itself in the event of a US invasion.

The term supersonic missile refers to a weapon that develops a speed five times that of sound, about 6,180 kilometers per hour. Weapons of the type are generally very difficult to intercept.

North Korea has been developing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads for years, in defiance of international sanctions.

Negotiations between Pyongyang and Washington are at a standstill following the failure in 2019 of a meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and then-US President Donald Trump in Hanoi. . Intergovernmental talks have stalled.

Since Joe Biden took over the presidency a year ago, Washington has repeatedly stated that it is ready to resume talks anywhere and without prerequisites with North Korea. Pyongyang rejects this offer at this stage.

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