Not in Movies, Singapore Uses Police Robots in Malls

Photo: Xavier Robot has begun to be deployed to carry out patrols in population centers in Singapore. (REUTERS/EDGAR SU)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Singapore has been testing robots that serve as patrol police. The robot will later give warnings to people who are involved in deviant social behavior.

France24, the robot named Xavier is equipped with seven surveillance cameras. Violations that will be highlighted include smoking in restricted areas, parking bicycles improperly, and violating coronavirus social distancing rules. please look after five people per group,” a robotic voice rang out, as the camera on top of the machine fixed its gaze on pedestrians and residents.

During the three-week trial in September, two robots were deployed to patrol housing and shopping malls. Residents themselves admit that they are pessimistic about the existence of robots that only give warnings.

“This reminds me of Robocop,” said Frannie Teo, a 34-year-old research assistant who was walking in the mall.

“It’s reminiscent of a dystopian robot world…I’m just a little skeptical about such a concept,” he added.

On the other hand, the Singaporean Government said that although the robots only gave warnings, this method was quite successful in overcoming the lack of personnel in the police force.

“The workforce is actually shrinking,” said Ong Ka Hing, from the government agency that developed the Xavier robot.

The Asian financial center with a population of about 5.5 million people actually has 90,000 police surveillance cameras. That number will double by 2030, with facial recognition technology that can be mounted on city light poles. public. They considered that this had violated the privacy rights of citizens.

“There are no privacy law restrictions on what the government can or cannot do,” said Indulekshmi Rajeswari, privacy lawyer from Singapore who is now based in Germany.


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