Oakland police seize nearly 80 cars at weekend sideshow

Photo of Amy Graff

Oakland Police Department seized and towed nearly 80 vehicles at an illegal sideshow in Oakland, Calif., on May 6, 2023.

Oakland Police Department seized and towed nearly 80 vehicles at an illegal sideshow in Oakland, Calif., on May 6, 2023.

Oakland Police Department

The Oakland Police Department said five tow trucks were used to seize nearly 80 cars at a weekend sideshow where a vehicle caught fire and fireworks were thrown by spectators. The cars were towed to an impound lot.

“If occupied, the drivers were asked to exit the vehicles, prior to being towed,” Candace Keas, a spokesperson for the police department, wrote in an email.

The police department wrote on Facebook that when it became aware of the sideshow activity in the city early Saturday morning, a helicopter was sent out to identify the location.

Oakland Police Department seized and towed nearly 80 vehicles at an illegal sideshow in Oakland, Calif., on May 6, 2023.

Oakland Police Department seized and towed nearly 80 vehicles at an illegal sideshow in Oakland, Calif., on May 6, 2023.

Oakland Police Department

The helicopter discovered at least 250 cars taking over the intersection of 10th and Oak streets, police said.

Video footage shows cars speeding around in circles and doing doughnuts with people waving flags and hanging out from the windows of some cars; a crowd is also shown gathered on the sidelines throwing fireworks.

UPDATE: @oaklandpoliceca blocked in sideshow cars for hours at 10th & Oak and took photos & videos of vehicles pic.twitter.com/xcaU2ou480

— Henry K. Lee (@henrykleeKTVU) May 6, 2023

The police department said in its Facebook post that the city is trying to find “long-term solutions to illegal Sideshows.”

“Violent, disruptive, and illegal behavior will not be tolerated in the City of Oakland,” police said. “Our investigators will be working to identify those responsible for committing crimes and participating in illegal sideshow activity.”

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