Oktoberfest weather in Munich: plenty of sun at the weekend

The weather in Munich makes a sunny trip to the beer garden possible

© Ralph Peters / imago

The sun is coming out: At the weekend, good weather is forecast in Munich. But one day it could rain.

Munich – Every Oktoberfest fan knows it: Especially when you want to go to the world’s biggest festival at the weekend, it rains and you do freezes in front of the tents. As soon as the Oktoberfest doesn’t take place, the October sun shines over Munich . Especially this weekend: wetter.com predicts 30 hours of sunshine and there is almost no rain at all.

Weather in Munich: plenty of sun on the weekend – almost no rain

Indian summer shows its best side in Munich at the weekend: From Friday to Sunday there is plenty of sun and almost no rain, as announced by wetter.com and the German Weather Service. Especially on Sunday it gets nice and warm. Friday starts quite cautiously with a slightly cloudy 14 degrees in the morning. But the sun is shining over Munich around noon. The platform wetter.com announces up to 19 degrees and a cloud-free sky. For the evening in the beer garden, however, it is still worth taking a jacket with you, as it gets a little cooler in the evening: Between 12 and 15 degrees are expected here. Good news: the probability of rain tends towards zero all day.

Weather forecast in Munich promises many hours of sun

Even on Saturday you can endure it in the open air. It will be even warmer than Friday. In the morning, temperatures of up to 19 degrees are reached. At the top – around noon – a clear sky ensures 18 to 21 degrees over Munich. In the evening a few clouds come in, but at up to 16 degrees you can still end the evening in the open air. Rain is only expected in the morning, and even then, wetter.com only sees the probability at five percent.

Munich: Weather forecast gives hope

The highest temperatures on the weekend can be enjoyed on Sundays: Even if the day starts with a fresh ten degrees, it increases Sun until midday. Here the internet portal calculates with up to 24 degrees with a cloud-free sky. A light wind is expected, but shouldn’t disturb the beautiful hours of sun too much. You can end the almost rain-free weekend in Munich at a chilly 18 to degrees. That will please sun worshipers and beer garden fans – especially because there have recently been completely different forecasts .

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