OL: Puydebois gives the recipe to win the derby

Nicolas Puydebois spoke about the ASSE-OL match who will argue this evening. He thinks that the Lyonnais will have to put a lot of intensity to hope to win.

ASSE, Saint-Etienne, Geoffroy-Guichard, illustration

“The favorite OL? It will depend on the ingredients that OL will use to put the Stéphanois in difficulty. We know that in a derby, there are other virtues, other values ​​that come into play, such as fighting spirit and winning duels. Playing football is good, but in a derby you have to do a lot more. Indeed, if OL are in the same way as on their last outings while adding combativeness and solidarity, it should be able to do it ”

, declared the consultant on Olympique et Lyonnais .

On January 24, 2021, OL won 5-0 on the lawn of the Stéphanois. And he also won the first leg, in November 2020. The Stéphanois will have to raise their level of play to hope to compete against a Rhone team which seems to gradually regain its football.

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