Olympic champion Miezis ranks third in the renewed FIBA ​​3 × 3 basketball player rank

Beginning / Basketball / 3×3 basketball / Olympic champion Miezis ranks third in the renewed FIBA ​​3 × 3 basketball player rank

Nauris Miezis Photo: FIBA ​​

Olympic champion in 3 × 3 basketball Nauris Miezis from Latvian basketball players takes the highest place in the youngest rank in the world, ranking third, the International Basketball reports on Friday. Federation (FIBA)

Barley has 556,748 points. In front of him is only the bronze medalist of the Olympic Games Serbian Dejan Majstorovich with 601,350 points and his compatriot Strahinja Stojačič with 588,348 points.

Kārlis Lasmanis ranks seventh with 525,611 points, the ninth with 494,178 points is Agnis Čavars, 21st place is taken by Artūrs Strēlnieks, 26th place – Edgars Krūmiņš, who has not played in the finals of the Tokyo Olympic Games in the stages of the World Tour after being injured. Another best in the hundred is Guntars Strāķis, who takes the 83rd place.

.place – Anete Blūma and 121st place – Laura Okuņeva. In the first place is the Spaniard Sandra Igeravide, followed by the Germans Sonja Greinahere and Svenja Brunkhorst.

30th place, just like Rozentāle in the rank of U23 women.

In the rank of U18 Mārcis Osis takes the 21st place, by conceding only two German, Dutch and Belarusian basketball players.

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