OM: the Tagliafico file is progressing, big transfer in sight?


Complete fan of the profile of this left side, Jorge Sampaoli would have convinced the player to join the Marseille club.

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The case was far from over but he has just taken quite a turn for Olympique de Marseille. In order to compensate for Jordan Amavi’s loan to Nice, Marseille is actively looking for a left-back. The Nicolas Tagliafico track is looking increasingly hot after new revelations from TyC Sports.

Nicolas Tagliafico would like to join OM as soon as possible. The Argentinian would have been convinced by his compatriot Jorge Sampaoli whom he rubbed shoulders with in selection. Nothing is recorded and the two clubs must now find an agreement for the transfer. Under contract until June 2023 with Ajax Amsterdam, the Argentinian international has planned to meet the club’s sporting director in order to move the file forward. The first offer made by Pablo Longoria would be a loan with an option to buy for 8 million euros.


Tagliafico quiere unirse a Olympic de Marsella 🇫🇷 en este mercado de fichajes, Sampaoli lo convenció, OM y Ajax ahora deben encontrar un acuerdo para la transferencia del argentino. The premium offer will be €8Millones with an option of compra obligatoria. 👀

— Mundo Ajax ✿ (@MundoAjax) January 15, 2022

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