JKP “Beogradske elektrane” announced that due to the works of “Srbijagas”, the heating plants “Dunav”, “Mirijevo”, “Konjarnik” and “Medaković” will be without gas delivery on Saturday. , which will therefore not perform hot tests.

As it is stated, due to the mentioned works, a part of consumers on the low pressure distribution system of low consumption “Belgrade on Water 2”, “Padina” “Mokroluška” will remain without the delivery of natural gas. , and in the afternoon, the widespread consumption of “Kovač”, ie. Voždovac, from Autokomanda to Trošarina.

It is added that “Srbijagas” informed the users of the distribution system about the new situation regarding the interruption of the delivery of natural gas, which will remain without the delivery of natural gas due to the disturbance.

As stated in the announcement, after the completion of works, and it is expected that it will be on Saturday around midnight, JP “Srbijagas” will start with regular gas delivery and ask consumers in this part of the City of Belgrade, to have understanding for the mentioned works.

An RTS reporter reported that due to the repairs, about 35 percent of Belgraders will be without heating tomorrow.

It was announced from “Belgrade Power Plants” that due to the works of the Public Company “Srbijagas” on the rehabilitation of the distribution gas pipeline, the heating plants “Dunav”, “Mirijevo” will be without gas delivery on Saturday. , “Konjarnik” and “Medaković”, which is why these heating plants will not be able to produce thermal energy and distribute it to consumers in the mode of warm functional tests.

“This means that consumers from the heating areas of the mentioned heating plants cannot expect the delivery of thermal energy on Saturday, ie until the works of JP ‘Srbijagas’ are completed and the delivery is not renewed. natural gas to the heating plants ‘Dunav’, ‘Mirijevo’, ‘Konjarnik’ and ‘Medaković’ “, they pointed out from” Belgrade Power Plants “.

It is added that the regime of warm functional tests should be continued on Sunday.

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