One of the first confirmed PSVR 2 games is this super realistic table tennis simulator

Eleven Table Tennis

(Image credit: For Fun Labs)

An incredibly detailed table tennis simulator may be the second confirmed game for PSVR 2.

The honor of the first officially confirmed PSVR 2 game goes to Horizon: Call of the Mountain, as the new spinoff to Guerilla’s Horizon series was announced alongside the headset. It will probably be a while until we get any cool sizzle reels for other big games coming to the platform, but a Reddit post from one of the developers of Eleven Table Tennis reveals it’s also on the way, as spotted by Push Square

The post confirms that Eleven Table Tennis, which was previously released on Oculus as well as Steam, is now planned for PSVR 2. It wasn’t a matter of performance or fidelity that kept the creators from making an original PSVR version – the tracking for the original Move controllers just wasn’t up to the task.

Aside from the fact that we know Aloy will show up at some point, we don’t know exactly what Horizon: Call of the Mountain is all about. In direct contrast to that, Eleven Table Tennis is exactly what it says on the tin: you play table tennis in virtual reality using the real-life movements of your motion controller, either against opponents online or the AI. But you really do play table tennis: the developer’s YouTube account even has a series of videos on how to handle spin in serves and returns which could be just as helpful for playing in person.

The release date for PSVR 2 is still unspecified, but hopefully it won’t take long for Eleven Table Tennis to follow.

See what else we’re eagerly anticipating with our guide to new games 2022.

Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University – though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I’ve previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I’m a staff writer here at GamesRadar.

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