Pack Your ‘Sick Box’ for Cold and Flu Season Now

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Credit: AYO Production/Shutterstock

Families are now a few weeks into the school year, and while your children have (hopefully) been untouched by illness so far, you know it won’t last. Cold, flu, and virus season is approaching, and it’s best to prepare for the inevitable.

Meghan Martin, a mom and doctor on TikTok, recently posted on her account a list of things every parent should have for their “sick box,” a collection of essentials to help caregivers be ready for when illness hits their household. We’ve gathered some of the best products she and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend so you can assemble a sick kit of your own.

60-pack disposable barf bags

A bowl by your child’s bedside can still leave a mess on their blankets, sheets, and stuffies. These 1000 mL hospital-grade bags carry a lot of fluid for those moments when your kids can’t keep it in anymore, and there are plenty, so you can put a few in your vehicle in case your child gets car sick. 

Digital thermometer

There’s no need to get a fancy, overpriced thermometer to check your child’s temperature. Just stick this reliable digital one under their tongue, and in 10 seconds, the LCD screen display will let you know if they have a fever. 

Liquid acetaminophen

When your child’s temperature increases, a dose of liquid acetaminophen (such as liquid Tylenol) can help reduce fever and manage symptoms. Just check the label to ensure you give the proper dosage for your child’s age and weight. 


Flu and COVID can affect the lungs and lower the amount of essential oxygen in the blood. Low blood oxygen could result in a heart attack or cardiac arrest. This oximeter measures your pulse and the amount of oxygen in your blood so you can check and see if your symptoms are affecting your heart.


Vomiting and diarrhea can put your child at risk for dehydration. This electrolyte powder is free of artificial colors and sweeteners. It also has more electrolytes and less sugar than similar products, so kids will stay hydrated without their stomachs being upset.

Throat-soothing lollipops

A sore throat can be unbearable for your child. These lollipops use fruit pectin and organic honey to soothe irritated throats. These are labeled for children aged 3 and up, but the American Academy of Pediatrics considers lollipops and other hard candy a choking hazard until age 4. Save these for your older children.

Saline mist spray and nasal aspirator

Babies can’t blow their noses, which is why the NoseFrida is a fantastic tool when your child is sick. The device sucks out snot quickly and safely, and it was the tool we used most to help my young ones feel comfortable when they were ill. You could also go for a traditional bulb aspirator, which does basically the same job.

To prepare your child’s nasal passages for booger removal, you’ll want to put in a few drops of saline solution to loosen things up and keep their nose moisturized. 

Ultrasonic humidifier

Another way to moisten your child’s throat and nose is to keep a humidifier in their bedroom so their sinuses aren’t irritated by dry air. Plenty of fancy devices have cartoon characters, but this cute ultrasonic humidifier is competitively priced and will fit in with any room’s playful decor. 

Jason Keil

Jason Keil

Jason Keil is a writer, editor, and podcaster based in Phoenix, Arizona. Despite numerous attempts, he has yet to read the copy of Infinite Jest” on his nightstand.”””

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