Sep 30, 2021, 12:01 AM, updated Sep 28, 2021, 12:20 PM
Current efforts will be useful in restoring order. This is a good opportunity to separate mice from grains – you will clearly see what you need, what is missing and what is too much. Organize your work, think about how you can allocate time more rationally, how to save more effort and money. It will now be important for you to respect your opinion, not your general opinion. In other words, this day will bring success to the introvertes. The morning will be more suitable for taking care of important things, responsible work. True, if your worries will be about money, wealth, hardly anything you’re plucking. It will be unfavorable to deal with the issue of earnings, to contact the management with complaints, requests. This day can be crucial in a love relationship if you deal with the triangle problem because there will be forces to distance oneself from someone From Wednesday to Thursday, only clear, concrete dreams are important. Fantastic, confusing – empty. It was good to see fish, clothes, books. It’s bad to be naked, to lose the keys. Bad sign (today the signs are insignificant, except for those related to animals, birds): if your pet becomes ill, encounter an aggressive animal abroad – illness, loss; Good sign: healthy pets, they are birds near you – protection, help . Looking ahead: favorable colors on Friday – silver, orange. Aries (03 21-04-20). At work, try to distance yourself from unnecessary communication and optional or responsible work. Beware of intrigues – you can get angry with the management through them. It is best to stay home today. Taurus (04 21-05-20). Don’t be lenient on Thursday – your opportunities can be used by people who know how to speak nicely, promise a lot. Be more attentive to well-being, protect your peace and health more. It is best to spend the evening at home, it is true, refusing to explain the issues of love or lack of money with the other half. Gemini (05 21-06 21 ). The truth lies somewhere beyond … So don’t try to understand the illogical behavior of your spouse, colleagues, management or officials on Thursday – don’t prove anything to anyone, don’t make remarks to you. Unfavorable time for investing and managing money and property in general Cancer (06 22-07 22). Thursday is not the time to make career decisions, it is unfavorable to talk to responsible people about it. By the way, do not trust your friends very much – they may not fulfill their obligations. Leo (07 23-08 22). On Thursday, not everything will be as great as you would like. But frustration will come in handy because it will help you understand what’s wrong with your relationships with those around you, why you don’t talk to your loved one, your children. Do not take anything new. True, the morning is good for solving an old-fashioned work problem. Virgo (08 23-09 22). On Thursday, don’t rush to believe what you hear, don’t admire the innovations, and don’t want more than you have, otherwise disappointment is inevitable. By the way, it will be a useful stress to help you understand where you went wrong when planning, to understand what you can trust and what you can’t. Scales (09 23-10 23). On Thursday, try to perform your duties quietly and patiently, not to blame anyone, not to press anything – it will cause the opposite reaction. Avoid serious commitments. Women in particular would not be suitable for financial matters. Scorpio (10 24-11 22). You will be energetic enough on Thursday. True, do not promise anything to anyone, and postpone important conversations, trips. Protect yourself from liars, scammers, thieves. Sagittarius (11 23-12 21). On Thursday, feeling unwell, various obstacles will disturb you even more from cancer, so avoid handling important matters, taking risks while driving, anger with loved ones. It is unfavorable to invest, borrow or lend money. It is not suitable to buy beautiful things or valuable equipment. Capricorn (12 22-01 19). It is not worth sharing your thoughts, impressions, feelings on Thursday. Be warmer to your spouse – this will help you avoid angry speeches. It’s not time to explain a relationship because of family expenses or lack of attention. True, Thursday mornings are favorable for more important working meetings and agreements. Aquarius (01 20-02 18). On Thursday, your weaknesses, mistakes will be revealed – do not be afraid of remarks, because it is better to see from the side. Pay more attention to health promotion. It is advisable to get rid of it at home, at work. Fish (02 19-03 20). On Thursday, it is important to calm down, to concentrate – no adventures. Promise less, speak less in general. Do not be trustworthy, do not make new acquaintances (neither business, nor friendly, nor romantic).