RTA offers 90 exclusive number plates in open auction


The open auction will be held on Saturday, May 18.
Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Super number plates AA16, AA69 and AA123 top a set of 90 vehicle licensing plates of two, three, four and five digits on offer at the forthcoming 115th Open Licensing Plates Auction of Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).

Plates on offer bear (AA-I-J-L-M-N-O-P-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z) codes.

The auction is scheduled for Saturday, May 18.

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Registration of bidders starts on Monday, May 13. Bidding will start at 4.30pm at the Hilton Dubai Al Habtoor City.

Interested bidders can also register for the auction through RTA’s website (www.rta.ae), Dubai Drive app, or any of RTA’s Customers Happiness Centres at Umm Al Ramool, Deira and Al Barsha. Seats are limited, and priority will be given to bidders. It is therefore recommended to make pre-registration for the auction. However, registration will also be available at the bidding hall from 2pm.

The selling of number plates is subject to a 5 per cent VAT. Each bidder is required to have a traffic file in Dubai, and deposit a security cheque amounting to Dh25,000 addressed to RTA.

Bidders have also to pay a non-refundable auction fee of Dh120 at the abovementioned customers’ happiness centres. Payment can also be made online with a credit card or the Dubai Drive app.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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