Pandora Papers: Petre Daea hid tons of cheese in the Cayman Islands

More and more personalities from our country appear in the “Pandora Papers” revelations! According to RISE Project investigators, one of the Romanians who allegedly resorted to tax havens to claim his wealth is the former Minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea.

The documents say that Daea hid tons of cheese in cellars in the Cayman Islands, Seychelles, Mauritius and other exotic lands.

“We are talking about a fabulous fortune: over 500 kg of old telemea of sheep, of heritage, whole wagons of cheese kneaded in fir bark, swiss wheels, woven cheese… quantities that would make the barons of Camembert and the dukes of Roquefort envious! ”, explains Marcel Anton, anti-corruption journalist specializing in cheeses .

Petre Daea denies ever using offshore to keep his cheese, accusing the cormorants of conspiracy. “In addition, the Cayman Islands is too hot for cheese! It breaks down immediately! ”, Explained the former minister.

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