Panel: Investing in Asia’s Hyperscale Market

As tech giants look to meet surging demand for data processing and compete to advance development of AI tools, the global hyperscale market is forecast to grow at a compounded annual rate of 20 percent from 2021 to 2026. Catering to the largest data centre users including e-commerce giants, video streaming services and enterprise cloud providers, 314 of these super-sized projects are currently in development worldwide and the total number of hyperscale data centres is expected to pass 1,000 by the end of 2024, according to JLL.

To find out more about investment opportunities that this growing segment offers, Mingtiandi welcomes leading investors, operators and advisors to the first panel discussion in our APAC Data Centre Forum 2023.

Join us in the one-hour discussion, brought to you by Yardi, as experts from LOGOS, JLL and Baker McKenzie share insights for leveraging returns in Asia large-scale server facilities.

Date: Thursday 7 September 2023

Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM HKT


  • Paul Dwyer, Head of Data Centres, LOGOS
  • Rachit Mohan, APAC Lead – Data Centre Leasing, JLL
  • Mandy Lan, Special Counsel, Baker McKenzie

Live Q&A with Panelists

Immediately following the interview, Mingtiandi’s team will moderate a live question and answer session in which attendees can quiz the speakers on their market outlooks and get direct insights from some of the region’s top names.

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PDGWarburg PincusEmpyrion DCSeraya PartnersJLLESRBaker McKenzieYardiLOGOSENGIE SEAEdgeConneXCapitaLandNuveen

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