Pele released from hospital – sent a touching message about life

The legendary Brazilian football player Pele was released on Thursday from the hospital where he was treated for almost a month.

Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo announced that 80-year-old Pele is stable and will continue with chemotherapy.

Pele was operated on in this hospital on September 4, after that he was diagnosed with a tumor on his colon during regular check-ups.

The Brazilian posted several photos on social networks during his recovery, and he also spoke out after he left the hospital.

“When the road is difficult, celebrate every step of the journey. Focus on your happiness. It’s true that I can’t jump anymore, but I’ve been ‘hitting the air with my fists’ more than usual the previous days. I would like to thank the whole team of Albert Einstein Hospital, because my stay there was pleasant, humane and with a very warm welcome. Thank you all from afar, who complete my life with messages of love “, wrote Pele.

He on several occasions had health problems in the years behind us. He underwent prostate surgery six years ago and was hospitalized twice in six months, while he had a urinary tract infection two years ago.

Pele won three World Cups – 1958, 1962 and In 1970, he was the best scorer of the Brazilian national team with 77 goals in 92 games.

BONUS VIDEO: Part of the atmosphere from the game between Partizan and Flora from Tallinn

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