Philosopher and environmental ethic: Protecting nature the way we sail on others is not the way to go

What is climate sorrow and what can it look like?

I will start by saying that environmental sorrow or sadness is a relatively unfortunate term. It indicates a wide range of our emotional reactions to the destruction of nature and at the same time indicates that it is sadness. However, some of us react to the disappearing nature more with anger, anxiety, fear. The range of our emotional reactions is much wider – from anger to severe anxiety.

Source: HN Archive

When is the deadline “(“)

As early as the early 1990s. It has been used mainly by biologists and some climatologists. They saw the impact of human activity on some ecosystems, and it was such a shock to them that they began to observe their emotional reactions to these realities. The term climate anxiety finds significant application after 2015. We understand that man can indeed threaten the survival of civilization and all of nature as we know it today, and can feel a wide range of emotions. It is no longer just about biologists and environmentalists. Psychologists are also starting to work with it as a new phenomenon

And how did you get to the environment?

The topic appealed to me about four years ago. I expanded my knowledge about what is happening to the environment and I was also affected by the meeting with my colleague Zdenka Voštová, who also addresses this issue.

As we contribute to the devastation of nature everyone, we should all suffer from this anger, but it’s not. Why?

It’s quite simple. First, in every society, there is a minority of people for whom nature has no value. In the Czech Republic, and Slovakia will be very similar, there are about 20-25 percent of people who are completely indifferent to nature. Due to its harm

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