Photos: See Flashy 70th Birthday Party David Osiany Threw Mother

David Osiany's Mother in Tears as He Throws Her Flashy 70th Birthday Party

  • David Osiany went all out as his beloved mother, Tabitha, turned 70 by throwing a memorable party
  • The venue was elegantly set up, and the former Industrialisation CAS even hired a famous gospel choir
  • An image captured Osiany’s mother wiping away tears after emotions overwhelmed her

Ex-Industrialisation CAS David Osiany threw an extravagant birthday celebration in honour of his mother, Tabitha.

David Osiany's mother.
David Osiany’s mother turned 70 in style. Photos: David Osiany.
Source: Facebook

How did Osiany treat mum on birthday?

Osiany celebrated his mother as she turned 70 in a blue and white-themed party held at her upcountry home.

He shared snaps from the event, including that of his mother, who radiated elegance in a striking blue and orange velvet lace dress with a matching wide-brim hat.

Tabitha was led into the venue by a splendid Osiany, who contrasted her attire with a blue collarless band shirt.

The Msanii Music Group formed part of the entertainment ensemble.

Her seat was majestic in gold at the dais, in front of dozens of family and friends, below an arch of blue, white and gold balloons that skimped over a large portrait of the matriarch.

Tabitha held back tears as her family and friends serenaded her during the birthday celebration.

When did Osiany lose dad?

Tabitha lost her husband, Jared Obuola Osiany, in 2022.

Obuola, a former Community Services Manager at Sony Sugar Company, died at a Nairobi hospital while undergoing treatment.

In his message of comfort and encouragement to the family, then-president Uhuru Kenyatta mourned Obuola as a patriot who served with distinction.

“We appreciate that in his retirement, Mr Osiany fully immersed himself in the small, micro and medium enterprises sector where he supported many upcoming entrepreneurs besides investing extensively in healthcare and agro-production,” said Uhuru.

To Tabitha, Uhuru said that he was praying for her and hoped that God would grant the family the fortitude and strength to bear the loss.

“To Mama Tabitha Osiany and your children, relatives and friends, I pray that God the Almighty continues to give you peace that surpasses all understanding as you come to terms with the passing away of Mr Osiany.”


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