Pokemon 2019 Episode 94: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

Episode 93 of Pokemon 2019, titled “Your name is Francoise,” was the series’ latest installment.

In this episode, we find out how Renji and Francoise first met. They met at a café where Renji noticed how the Coil only eats from a chandelier.

When the café shuts down, the Coil runs away, but Renji finds him among some trash cans after looking for him all over the city. He brings him home and cares for it, and the Coil starts eating from the lamp, and Renji names him Francoise.

In the next episode, Kaiross’ romantic rivalry will become a source of distress for Go. How will he cheer up his Pokemon? We’ll find out in the next episode.

Episode 94 Speculation

In the next episode, Kairos will start acting weirdly. Turns out that she has been depressed ever since a romantic rival had shown up.

Pokemon 2019 Episode 94: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Satoshi, Pikachu & Goh | Source: IMDb

As Go tries to cheer Kairos, the team participates in a Pokemon flower arrangement ceremony where they adorn their beloved pocket monsters with flowers.

Episode 94 Release Date

Episode 94 of the Pokemon Journeys: The Series anime, titled “The Heracros Loss and the Kairos in Love”, will be released on Friday, Jan 21, 2022.

1. Is Pokemon 2019 on Break this Week?

No, episode 94 of Pokemon 2019 is not on a break and will continue as scheduled.

Episode 93 Recap

The episode begins with Satoshi and Go eating their lunch while Renji excitedly opens a cardboard box. It turns out to be Francoise, Reji and Coil’s, favorite lamp.

Satoshi and Go then discuss Francoise’s love for retro objects, and Renji agrees. He then starts to tell them how he met Francoise. The moment he starts, there is a sudden blackout across the city.

Director Sakuragi informs them that the outage was due to a magnetic storm when the power was back up. It is a phenomenon caused by explosions on the surface of the sun and can damage sensitive instruments.

Renji receives a call from Kikuna, who sounds very worried and asks about Francoise. He is puzzled because everything was well with Francoise.

She then sends him a video showing that all the Coils in the city had become hyperactive and were getting hard to control.

The gang then hooks up Francoise to an instrument, hoping to discover something valuable. They find out that he is receiving a strange transmission, which could be the reason for all the coils acting this way.

Pokemon 2019 Episode 94: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Ash & Sakuragi | Source: Fandom

Francoise goes out of control, but Renji saves him by covering his head with tinfoil. Sakuragi deduces that if they move to the outskirts of the city, they will be outside the range of the transmission.

They immediately decide to leave the premises and, on their way out, Renji tells everyone about his first meeting with Francoise.

The trio is suddenly attacked by the other coils. Satoshi and Go stay back to fight against them while Renji goes ahead. While running away, Renji reaches the café where he first met Francoise, and they are attacked by other Coils.

Francoise tries to save Renji, but his tinfoil comes off, and he gets corrupted. They narrowly escape the attack when Pikachu uses 100,000 volts, and all the Coils turn back to normal.

Where to Watch Pokemon 2019

About Pokémon

Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.

They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.

Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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