Police investigate whether the woman, who was also found dead, stabbed her husband in Vigo




Investigation sources have confirmed that, in the absence of autopsy tests and the results of the investigations, the man died as a result of several stab wounds

La Policía investiga si la mujer, que también fue encontrada muerta, apuñaló a su marido en VigoLa Policía investiga si la mujer, que también fue encontrada muerta, apuñaló a su marido en Vigo

The National Police that investigates the crime of Vigo , in a case that the Court of Duty number 6 has taken over, tries to clarify if the woman of the married couple found dead stabbed her husband and then committed suicide.

Sources of the investigation have confirmed that the man has a stab wound to the back . As for the woman, there are no signs of violence in the first inspection carried out, but the causes of death remain to be clarified.

Sources close to the investigation have confirmed to Efe that A box of pills appeared next to the woman, without specifying what medication it was.

In addition, the same sources of the investigation have pointed out that the house was closed, there was no indication that anyone had entered the house, located on Calle Álvaro Cunqueiro in Vigo.

The couple’s daughter notified the Police since she was several days trying to locate them. He went to the flat in Vigo, located at Álvaro Cunqueiro street, in the center of the city, accompanied by police officers around 7:00 p.m. this Friday afternoon.

The judicial delegation picked up the bodies of the victims after 9:00 p.m. this Friday night. One of the keys to the investigation will be the practice of the forensic examination.

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