PornHub has launched a museum guide for classical nudes


In an effort to get people back into museums, Pornhub (yes that Pornhub) has produced a “Classic Nudes” museum guide (the page is SFW but the URL is Pornhub so click at your own discretion).

From orgies to outdoor, and even a little bit of nipple play, prepare to savor in every stroke of these surprising masterpieces with audio commentary by Asa Akira and a special surprise by MySweetApple at the end of each tour. Select a museum below to start discovering their collection of Pornhub-worthy paintings and sculptures.

The guide covers thirty famous works across six major institutions including the National Gallery in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Prado in Madrid, the Uffizi in Florence, and the Louvre and Musee d’Orsay in Paris. It features audio tours, articles, and annotated maps, as well as some NSFW “recreations” of some of the pieces, though those were just hit with a cease and desist by the Louvre and may or may not still be up by the time you’re reading this.

You can check out the “Classic Nudes” site here. Again, the URL is Pornhub and some of the pages do include NSFW recreations of the art and also obviously the art itself is nekkid so, ya know, exercise caution when clicking.

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