Portimao WSBK: Van der Mark gets first BMW win, Rea crashes again

On a damp-but-drying track, van der Mark was the clear class of the field, scything through from fifth on the grid to take the lead from Scott Redding’s Ducati and then escaping at the head of the field.

The Dutchman went on to give the BMW M1000RR its first victory and end an eight-year wait since the German marque’s last WSBK win.

There was more big drama on the opening lap as Kawasaki rider Rea suffered a low-side crash at Turn 13, having snatched the lead from championship leader Toprak Razgatlioglu at Turn 5.

But Saturday race winner Razgatlioglu had already conceded second to Redding by this stage, and on the second lap the Yamaha rider was passed for second by van der Mark’s BMW.

By lap 3 of 10, van der Mark was all over the back of his future teammate Redding, and what was looking like an inevitable move for the lead came at Turn 5 on lap four.

With a lap van der Mark’s advantage out front was up to 1.5 seconds, a margin that doubled over the following two laps, the Dutchman taking his fifth win in WSBK by a comfortable 5.3s.

Redding hung on for second place despite coming under pressure for Loris Baz on the Go Eleven Ducati in the closing stages, with the Frenchman making it back-to-back podium finishes.

Razgatlioglu failed to make the most of his adversary Rea failing to finish, slipping to sixth place for his worst finish since July’s Donington Park round, gaining a place back when Leon Haslam crashed at Turn 13 while battling Baz.

It means Razgatlioglu takes a 49-point lead into the final race of the weekend, for which Rea will start 10th on the grid.

Razgatlioglu’s struggles meant Andrea Locatelli was Yamaha’s top finisher in fourth, ahead of Alvaro Bautista on the surviving factory Honda.

Axel Bassani put in another strong wet-weather performance on the Motocorsa Ducati in seventh, while the remaining points went to Garrett Gerloff (GRT Yamaha) and Eugene Laverty (BMW).

The second works Ducati of Michael Ruben Rinaldi was another first-lap casualty, the Italian suffering a major high-side crash at Turn 7 and requiring trackside medical attention.

Race results:

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