Prague is the seventh best city for expat life. Even though the locals are sometimes rude and hostile

Charles Bridge in Prague

Photo: D. Goykolov / Unsplash

More and more people – especially those who are just entering the labor market – are attracted opportunity to try working abroad. But what does life in another country bring? The report Expat City 2021 from the German non-governmental agency InterNations offers an interesting view of this issue. It deals with the help and creation of a community for workers in foreign countries and has included Prague in its list of the best cities for the life of expats.

The capital of the Czech Republic in this survey ranked seventh out of a total of 57 cities, making it one of the ten best destinations in the world for the lives of working foreigners. Three other European capitals made it into the top ten – Málaga, Spain (second place), Basel, Switzerland (ninth place) and Madrid, Spain (tenth place)

The rating is based on four thematic indices – Quality of urban life , Settlement , Working life and Finance and housing . What Prague did best was the index on working life and the opportunities associated with it. It ranked fourth behind Munich, Aachen and Dublin, Ireland

The Work-life balance subcategory contributed the most to the good results , in which Prague took second place. For example, foreigners positively assessed the setting of working time conditions. The Czech capital also performed similarly well in the index Quality of Urban Life , where it ranked fifth. “I like that there are a lot of opportunities for socialization, leisure activities, travel and personal growth in Prague,” comments in a report in one of Prague

In this respect, most expats praised in particular the possibilities of leisure activities that Prague offers, but also transport services, availability of medical services and the fact that they can allow. All these indicators were evaluated significantly above average compared to the global results. However, it is worth noting that a higher ranking would be within reach if the metropolis received a better rating in the subcategory Security and politics . It ranked 28th

In the index Finance and Housing Prague took 14th place. This is due to a good evaluation in the possibility of finding housing, but the possibility to afford such housing turned out to be a bit worse than the global trend. However, two thirds of respondents are reportedly satisfied with their financial situation.


View of Prague

Photo: M. Shutov / Unsplash

Another interesting thing is that for example Munich, which in the index Working Life appeared in the first place, in the evaluation of finances and housing fell to the expats to the very tail of the rankings. Only Dublin ended worse

But even Prague did not avoid a worse rating in one of the indices. Expats do not think that it is easy to settle here and take root. She was sent to the 38th place by a very negative evaluation of the friendship of Praguers towards foreigners and also by the language barrier. In response, one of the other expats working in Prague stated that “ culture can sometimes be rough “.

Despite these unflattering indicators, 72 percent of foreigners feel at home in Prague, which is eight percent more than the global average. More than twelve thousand expats took part in the survey.

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