PREOKRET! Tom Brejdi ipak ne završava karijeru?

PREOKRET! Tom Brejdi ipak ne završava karijeru?

USA Today

Vest dana u svetu sporta bila je da je legendarni kvoterbek Tom Brejdi odlučio da završi karijeru, ali se ispostavilo da postoji šansa da se dogodi preokret

Američki mediji su preneli vest da Brejdi nije doneo konačnu odluku, te da i dalje razmišlja šta da učini.

Tom Brady’s father, agent and team have now denied that Brady has decided to retire, and his company deleted a tweet. That doesn’t mean Brady won’t retire soon; he’s 44 and acknowledged after last week’s game he will evaluate his future.
— Tom Pelissero (@TomPelissero) January 29, 2022

Navodno, Brejdi je obavestio Džejsona Lihta, generalnog menadžera Tampa Bej Bakanirsa, da još nije doneo finalnu odluku o tome hoće li 2022. godine igrati američki fudbal ili ne.

Confirming Tom Brady has called #Bucs GM Jason Licht to inform him he has NOT made up his mind about retiring or playing in 2022. @MikeSilver reported it first.
— Rick Stroud (@NFLSTROUD) January 29, 2022

Tom Brejdi je tokom karijere režirao ogroman broj preokreta, ali bi ovaj sada mogao da bude najveći.

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