President Biden Gets His Booster, Encourages More Mandates

Editor’s note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape’s Coronavirus Resource Center.

President Joe Biden rolled up his sleeve Monday to get a COVID-19 booster shot in his left arm, and he urged eligible Americans who were at least 6 months past their last dose of the Pfizer vaccine to do the same.

“I know it doesn’t look like it, but I’m over 65,” Biden said with a smile. “That’s why I’m getting my booster shot today,” he said, noting that the shots are only intended for people previously vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

For now, people who had Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines are urged to wait.

“Others will come later, maybe. I assume,” he said.

People who are eligible for boosters are at least 6 months past their last dose and at greater risk because they are over the age of 65, over the age of 50 with an underlying health condition like diabetes or obesity, or are frontline employees at higher risk of coming into contact with the virus like grocery store clerks, bus drivers, or healthcare workers.

Biden took questions from reporters while he got his shot, and he didn’t watch as the jab was given by a registered nurse who works for the White House Medical Unit.

He said he didn’t have side effects after either the first or second doses of his vaccines. He said first lady Jill Biden hadn’t yet gotten her booster but would soon.

Even as he encouraged people to get boosters, he acknowledged that the larger problem was that 23% of eligible Americans still hadn’t been vaccinated at all.

“That distinct minority is causing an awful lot of us an awful lot of damage for the rest of the country,” he said.

Biden said he would continue to move forward with vaccine requirements “wherever I can.”

He said he would be traveling to Chicago on Wednesday to talk about why it’s important for more businesses to institute their own mandates.

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