President of the PCM expresses appreciation to the Navy for its anniversary

The president of the Council of Ministers, Mirtha Vásquez Chuquilín, expressed her greeting and appreciation to the Navy for its 200th anniversary.

“Let us always keep alive the legacy of courage and integrity of Miguel Grau, building day by day, the Peru for which our heroes and heroines fought,” wrote the head of the Cabinet Ministerial on its Twitter account.

The head of the PCM participated this morning in the ceremony for the bicentennial of the Peruvian Navy and the 142nd anniversary of the glorious Angamos Naval Combat.

This activity was carried out in the Plaza Grau del Callao. The ceremony began with a minute of silence for the fallen naval officers in the line of duty.

On October 8, the Anniversary of the Navy is celebrated and the Combat of Angamos is commemorated. The event aims to recall the civic, military and humanitarian values ​​that Don Miguel Grau always showed throughout his life.


More in Andina

Posted: 10/8/2021

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