PREVENTION: Cosme e Damião Children's Hospital changes the flow of care

Tents and tents were set up outside the unit, where all children will be screened

To face the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, the Government of Rondônia, through the State Health Department (Sesau), has been putting together several strategies, always focusing on prevention to contain the transmission of the virus. Therefore, the flow of care at the Cosme e Damião Children’s Hospital (HICD) has changed. Tents and tents were set up outside the unit, where all children will be screened. “From this Monday (12), the appointments will work as follows: the children will undergo screening in the tents, if they have any respiratory symptoms they will be attended to at the second entrance. After being evaluated, and presenting another symptom related to covid-19, they will be taken to the ward set up to receive these suspected or confirmed patients, remaining under observation until the disease is confirmed or not. In the case of other symptoms not related to respiratory disease, it will be attended to at the first reception, remembering that we have four pediatricians on duty”, said Sergio Pereira, director of the HICD. The director also points out that this measure is to avoid agglomerations and prevent the disease. “Children who arrive with suspected coronaviruses, showing all the symptoms, as a precautionary measure, doctors keep them under observation until the disease is confirmed or discarded. Remembering that we do not have any case of a child confirmed with Covid-19 in our unit”, highlighted Sergio Pereira. Also according to Sergio Pereira, the unit is prepared to receive possible children with coronavirus. “In addition to the wing with six ICU beds and six clinical beds, we also have an exclusive pulsion room to attend to this patient and another for observation. Our goal is for children with suspected coronaviruses to have differentiated care, preventing transmission of the virus”, he stressed.

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