Principled Technologies Releases Study on Dell EMC PowerEdge R6515 Servers’ OLTP and VDI Performance

Principled Technologies Releases Study on Dell EMC PowerEdge R6515 Servers’ OLTP and VDI Performance

Durham, NC, January 06, 2022 –(– The challenges of the past several years have changed the way many industries conduct business. For growing organizations, it may be time to upgrade hardware to better support remote workers who use virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) or to handle a higher rate of ecommerce orders. Principled Technologies (PT) tested a four-node cluster of legacy Dell EMC PowerEdge R630 servers and a four-node cluster of newer AMD EPYC 7543P processor-powered Dell EMC PowerEdge R6515 servers to see what VDI and OLTP performance differences an organization might expect from upgrading to PowerEdge R6515 servers.

According to the report, PT “found that the PowerEdge R6515 cluster delivered performance improvements with 32.1 percent more OPM and lower latency for VDI users on CPU Sensitive and Storage Sensitive tasks. When we deployed Tanzu on the newer-generation cluster, we were able to run a Weathervane workload of 2,500 simulated users on a multi-tier web app in Kubernetes while still offering transactional database and VDI performance improvements over the legacy cluster. With the increased efficiency from the newer cluster, you might choose to modernize your apps, support more VDI users, or expand your OLTP database workloads.”

To learn more, read the report at or see the infographic at

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Principled Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of technology marketing and learning & development services.

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Principled Technologies, Inc.
Sharon Horton



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