Prof. San Sai Check out the establishment to find a shop to set up a slot machine to play collect and prosecute

On October 4, 64 from 6:30 p.m. onwards, San Sai District Prof. By the administration of Mr. Siwa Thamikanon, Sansai District Chief, Thanom Kuikaew, Senior Permanent Secretary, assigned Mr. Noppadon Srisuk, Deputy District Security Officer Along with administrative staff members of San Sai 15, inspecting food and beverage outlets in the area In order to comply with the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as prescribed by the Chiang Mai Communicable Disease Committee

Irene Maejo Shrimp Pond and Tong Tong Shrimp Pond 888 No action found in violation of the COVID-19 prevention measures prescribed by the Chiang Mai Communicable Disease Committee

In addition, it is reported that​ Sansai Checked at Lap Khom shop, Village No. 8, Nong Han Subdistrict, found that there were 2 slots in the shop, so they checked and found that they were open to play. therefore seized with 4,675 baht of intermediary money inside the cabinet, alleging that “Provide gambling Which is specified in List B. No. 28 (Players which use mechanical, electric power) which violates Section 4 in conjunction with Section 12 of the Gambling Act B.E. 2478”

The arrest kit therefore made a statement and arrested and brought the medium to the police investigation officer Maejo police station for further legal proceedings

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