PTC: Chairman and his family divested in high price area


Vice Chairman of Construction Investment Development Corporation (HOSE: DIG) has just registered to buy 5 million shares of DIG…

DIG 77.9 (- 5.8)

In the context of the stock price of Dai Truong Thanh Holdings Energy Investment JSC (UPCoM: DTE) labor…

vietstockDTE 22.4 (-0.2)

During the time when the unit related to the Chairman bought nearly 22% of the capital, the two major shareholders of Group Corporation…

vietstockCTC 7.9 (0) VTD 15.5 (0)

In the context that the share price of Construction Investment Development Corporation (HOSE: DIG) fell to the floor on January 12…

DIG 77.9 (- 5.8)


Statistics of internal transactions in the trading week of 10/01-14/01/2021 show that the seller is dominating…

AGG 55.3 (1.9)

HAG 13.9 (-1) HNG 10.15 (-0.15) LCG 19.45 (-1.45) TAR 31.5 (-3.4)


SCIC has just registered to divest 51% of its equity in Inland Waterway Management and Maintenance JSC…

vietstockDT4 7.1 (0)

At Long Hau Joint Stock Company (HOSE: LHG), Mr. Tran Anh Vien has just sold nearly 1.1 million shares, lowering the ownership…

vietstockLHG 49.95 (3.25)


Vietourist has just bought 3.4 million shares, equivalent to 21.52% of the capital of Hoang Kim Tay Group JSC…

CTC 7.9 ( 0) VTD 15.5 (0)


Arisaig Asia Fund Limited has recently increased its ownership rate at Mobile World Investment JSC…

MWG 133.5 (3.4)

After the illegal sale of nearly 75 million FLC shares by Chairman Trinh Van Quyet, the market experienced the…


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