Q-CTRL touts error-correction methods boost quantum algorithm success by 1000 times


Image: Q-CTRL

Australian quantum startup Q-CTRL claims it has increased the likelihood of quantum computing algorithm success on hardware by over 1000 times, after it carried out its latest hardware benchmarking experiments demonstrating its autonomous error-correction techniques.

According to the company, most quantum computers are currently error prone meaning that only the shortest and simplest algorithms can run, inhibiting on quantum computational capabilities being delivered to end users.

However, through its research activities, the company said it has identified methods using AI and automation to reduce the number of errors.

At the same time, the research was completed using conventional cloud access to commercial quantum computers and did not require any special hardware access.

“Our benchmarking experiments demonstrate that there’s hidden performance inside today’s quantum computers that can become available with the right error-correcting software tools — no changes to hardware are needed,” Q-CTRL founder and CEO Professor Michael J. Biercuk.

“We’re excited to offer this technology to researchers, end users, and manufacturers worldwide to accelerate the path to quantum advantage and bring real-world applications closer to fruition.”

Q-CTRL said it will deliver its software tool for error reduction through its flagship product, Boulder Opal. 

This latest research by Q-CTRL surpasses the results it produced in November when it had reported improving the success of quantum algorithms on real hardware by more than 25 times through its algorithmic benchmarking experiments.

Q-CTRL, which is a commercial spin-off from the University of Sydney, was welcomed at the end of last year as one of the first tenants at Sydney’s Tech Central quantum terminal

According to the state government, the quantum terminal will be the city’s “first centralised live collaboration space for researchers, developers, engineers and entrepreneurs — all working to advance quantum technology, high performance computing, and artificial intelligence”.

The startup is also slated as one of four manufacturing companies that will help the South Australian government establish a dedicated space manufacturing hub in the state.

Q-CTRL, alongside Fleet Space Technologies, ATSpace, and Alauda Aeronautics, will collocate in the facility to collaborate and produce small satellites, rockets, electrical vertical take-off and land vehicles, and support componentry and technical systems. 

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