Qali Warma delivers more than 28 t of food to municipalities of La Victoria and Chorrillos

The Qali Warma National School Feeding Program of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis) delivered 28.56 tons of nutritious and quality food for the benefit of more than 4,593 vulnerable people in the districts of La Victoria and Chorrillos.

The food support provided at the request of the municipalities, is framed in the Legislative Decree 1472 that empowers the Qali Warma program to buy and distribute, on an exceptional basis, groceries for families currently living in conditions of vulnerability due to the health emergency.

At the designated location 19.04 tons of food were delivered by the Chorrillos commune for 3,062 people. The head of the Lima Metropolitan and Callao de Qali Warma Territorial Unit, Daniel Francia Jiménez, attended the headquarters, accompanied by Augusto Miyashiro Ushikubo, mayor of Chorrillos to supervise the distribution of products.

Qali Warma in La Victoria

Francia Jiménez also moved to the San Cosme Sports Complex, place chosen by the Municipality of La Victoria, where the mayor Luis Gutiérrez Salvatierra delivered 9.52 tons of products for the attention of 1,531 people.

The supply of groceries is for a period of 30 days, and contains canned fish, evaporated milk, oat flakes with quinoa, rice, noodles, beans, lentils, split peas, vegetable oil and sugar. Products whose safety and quality were previously supervised by the program’s technical team.

Qali Warma delivers these food products at the request of the municipalities and ministries for the care of vulnerable populations during the health emergency caused by covid-19.

Once the request of any of these entities is confirmed, Qali Warma proceeds to deliver the food, provides the local authorities with the guidelines for reception, storage, transportation and distribution; and informs of the actions to be implemented for the prevention of covid-19.

More in Andina:

– Andean Agency (@Agency_Andina) October 2, 2021


Published: 10/1/2021

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