Quantic Dream reportedly working on a second AAA, in addition to Star Wars Eclipse

Quantic Dream has attracted the attention of all fans of the Star Wars universe by formalizing (unsurprisingly) Star Wars Eclipse, which had previously been leaked. Thanks to a beautiful trailer, the game showed itself and gave some clues about the game itself, although it is still very much a mystery. This project could also not see the light of day for several years, according to rumors, emanating from the same sources who disclosed it before the official announcement.

Moreover, AccountNGT author of most of the leaks, explains that the French studio would have a second project in development, which would be more advanced than Star Wars Eclipse . This one would be based on The Dark Sorcerer demo and would be more humorous than what the studio has been able to offer us so far, although it is not very difficult. Interactive storytelling would always be one of the flagship features, with a story written by David Cage. The Parisian studio of Quantic Dream would be on this project, and would also have some difficulties in recruiting new people.

Quantic Dream’s second AAA project

– Based on The Dark Sorcerer demo
– Humor based game
– Core team in Paris
– More advanced than Star Wars Eclipse
– Cross-Gen (can be changed due to their new strategy) pic.twitter.com / 08sLTcbkPr

– AccountNGT (@AccNgt) January 8, 2022

Of course, we have to take all this information in hindsight, but AccountNGT had revealed several details about Star Wars Eclipse before its appearance at the Game Awards, thus giving credit to this leak.

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