Queen Elizabeth II speaks for the first time about Prince Philip

You were one heart and one soul for well over 70 years. In April Prince Philip († 99), the man of the heart of Queen Elizabeth II (95), was just a few months before his 100th birthday asleep peacefully at Windsor Castle. The monarch had not said a word about her beloved husband since the funeral ceremony.

Now, at a session of the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood, she shared fond memories of her deceased husband for the first time. But the queen was not alone. She was accompanied by her daughter-in-law Duchess Camilla (74). The special feature: Both women showed themselves in the partner look . Was the choice of outfit agreed?

We show you the emotional moment of Queen Elizabeth II in the video above.

Queen Elizabeth II: Support from her family

After Philip’s death, the Queen had a Farewell to her long-time companion with a touching message of love in public: “He has been – to put it simply – my strength and support over the years. And I and my family, this country and many other countries owe him more thanks than he ever claims would and we will ever suspect. ”

Now the queen finds strength in her own family members. So she was not alone on her first visit to Scotland after Philip’s death. Grandson Prince William (39) had not left her side and had supported his grandmother with the official appearance.

You are a royal dream team: In the video below you can see the touching appearance of Prince William at the Side of the Queen.

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