Tencent Cloud and Singapore-Based Strange Universe to Develop Web3 Business Metaverse Platform

Tencent Cloud announced on September 13 its signing of a memorandum of understanding with Strange Universe Technology, a Singapore-based Web3 company, involving the creation of an immersive and integrated platform that helps businesses adapt and thrive in a virtual environment.

Strange Universe is a high-tech firm focusing on AR/VR/MR applications and market creativity. With the development of a Web3 metaverse platform – EOsu world – it aims to become a global leader in the emerging virtual hybrid field in the exhibition industry.

Under the MoU, both parties agree to collaborate in various areas, potentially integrating Tencent Cloud’s comprehensive virtual world-related products and cloud solutions into Strange Universe’s platform.

One of Tencent Cloud’s offerings available to Strange Universe is the one-stop solution Virtual Interactive Space (VIS), which is based on real-time cloud rendering technology. Combined with Tencent Cloud’s Tencent Real Time Communication (TRTC), Game Multimedia Engine (GME), and its digital avatar products and services, VIS also provides multi-scene virtual space delivery capabilities covering virtual live broadcasts, conferences, exhibitions and other events, allowing businesses to easily build up various scenario templates.

SEE ALSO: Web3 Infrastructure Startup Mysten Labs Secures Financing From Top Crypto Names

Prior to the signing of this agreement, Tencent Cloud had already provided Strange Universe with a range of IaaS products to support its operations in the virtual world. The newly signed MoU further strengthens both companies’ relationship and commitment to helping create a more immersive and interactive virtual community.

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