Quirinale: the squeeze on names arrives. Waiting for the center-right

Three days after the start of the voting for the election of the next President of the Republic, the game comes alive with meetings and meetings that follow one another throughout the day and which aim to find a name that reaches the greater number of consents. On the table at the moment the names that seem to have more chances are three: Mario Draghi, Sergio Mattarella and Pier Ferdinando Casini. But to make the first move that really opens the great game of the Quirinale is Matteo Salvini who, taking on the role of center-right kingmaker, calls the two allies, Silvio Berlusconi and Giorgia Meloni to schedule a meeting on Saturday. Not only that, the leader of the League then makes it known that he has also heard the leaders of the other parties, ensuring that he is working on a “high profile candidacy”. What is certain is that the Saturday summit of Lega, Fi and Fratelli d’Italia in which the “little ones” will also take part is what the center-left was waiting for to start the final rush of the negotiations.

A key step , preceded by a whirlwind of meetings, the first of all that between Enrico Letta and Matteo Renzi. It is precisely the leader of Italia Viva who also tries to define an identikit of the new Head of State. “The arrival of Draghi at the Quirinale, is there – says Renzi – then if he goes, Palazzo Chigi would probably need not a politician but an institutional figure that suits everyone. During the face-to-face with Letta, the two have agreed on the need for a “legislature pact” and a guarantee premier. A concept that the secretary of the Democratic Party also reiterates to the representatives of the smaller parties, with the aim of creating the widest convergence. THE DIARY OF THE COLLE

The real shot though, in the push and pull to find the successor by Sergio Mattarella, it will take place on Saturday, when the Knight, perhaps in front of a PC screen (the meeting with the allies could be via zoom), will communicate his intentions. a name on which to converge. Much more likely that a shortlist of names will be examined. Center-right area, such as Casini which is mentioned in every interview. The hypothesis of converging on Mario Draghi always remains the case. And in the background the encore of Mattarella. But it seems difficult at this point that tomorrow we will get to a squeeze. What is certain is that after the meeting of the center-right leaders, a second round of consultations will restart, perhaps the real ones, and between the scheduled meetings a face-to-face between Matteo Salvini and Enrico Letta is expected. Eyes also on the Five Star Galaxy.

Comes a decree law to allow large voters in isolation or quarantine for Covid to participate in the voting for the Quirinale

In the Movement the opposition between the top management has repercussions in parliamentary groups where at the moment it is not possible to have a single line, so much so that Riccardo Fraccaro does not hesitate to talk about ” extremely worrying and poisonous climate around the election of the President of the Republic. Therefore – the former Undersecretary to the Prime Minister makes clear – I would like to clear the field immediately from any doubt saying that I will never vote for Mario Draghi “. An invitation to caution also comes from Emma Bonino. “We cannot afford a government crisis”, observes the senator of + Europe: “I frankly – she stresses again – I do not see another figure besides Draghi, capable of holding together this disordered and frayed majority”. Unless there are surprises, it is difficult for the parties to come up with a shared name to be able to elect within the first three votes. Renzi takes care of the timing: “There are 3 or 4 hypotheses – says the former prime minister – I say to the Italians: it’s complicated but Thursday or Friday you will have a president”. Finally, the leader of IV launches an appeal to the center-right: “make a name that has the consent of Parliament. The President must be elected all together”.

Listen to “Renzi: Thursday we will have a president, Draghi in pole position” on Spreaker.

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