Rapid decline

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Minister of Labor Martin Kocher (ÖVP) points out that the number of unemployed – excluding training participants – is fortunately for the first time below the level of the same month of 2019, i.e. before the corona crisis: “That is a positive signal and shows that the recovery of the labor market is progressing faster than expected. “

Specifically, 269,250 people were registered as unemployed with the AMS in September, a decrease of 22.4 percent compared to the same month last year. There are also 69,264 participants in training courses, an increase of 11.8 percent compared to the same month last year. The total number of people without a job is around 4,000 above the value before the crisis in September 2019.

Kocher sees the greatest challenges currently in the area of ​​long-term unemployment: 120,449 people have already been more than a year unemployed. Compared to the previous month, long-term unemployment had fallen by 7,870, at the same time there were currently 26,239 more long-term unemployed than in the same month of 2019. Compared to the peak in April 2021, however, long-term unemployment fell by around 28,000 people. The Minister of Labor refers to the record level of vacancies: “Our focus is therefore still on qualification measures and the reduction of long-term unemployment through measures such as the springboard program,” emphasized Kocher in a final broadcast.

With Around 114,000 vacancies registered with the AMS, there are more job offers for job seekers than ever in the previous autumn, emphasizes AMS board member Kopf. With 44,000 positions filled in one month, the number of vacancies continues to show great dynamism. It is also looking good for the apprentices: 7,300 apprenticeship seekers are currently facing more than 11,000 vacant apprenticeships across Austria.

Unemployment fell in all sectors in September Sectors of trade as well as health and social services. The industries most affected by unemployment at the end of September are the provision of other economic services and trade. Compared to the previous year, unemployment fell most in the accommodation and catering sector. Seasonal effects will lead to an increase in unemployment in autumn, but the comparison with the respective month in the pre-crisis year 2019 will “remain positive”, according to the Ministry of Labor’s broadcast.

The phase 5 of the short-time work, which can be applied for since the beginning of July and is still available for particularly affected industries until the end of the year, is still used “only moderately”. At the end of September, the number of short-time work registrations was around 66,000 people. The decisive factor, however, is the actual monthly bills.

Broken down by federal state, there was the strongest decline in numbers in Vienna, but the weakest in percentage terms: in the federal capital, the number of unemployed (including training participants) went over 22,000 people or by 13.4 percent to 144,041 people. In absolute numbers, the decline was also in two digits in Lower Austria, namely by almost 12,000 people or minus 18.8 percent. The largest percentage minus was in Salzburg with minus 27.9 percent. The unemployment rate (according to national calculations) was expected to be 6.5 percent in September, a decrease of 1.9 percentage points on the same month of the previous year. For women, the rate was 6.7 percent, slightly higher than for men, at 6.3 percent.

The Chamber of Labor (AK) calls for more support for the unemployed, especially for the long-term unemployed. In September, almost 70,000 people are still looking for long-term jobs, and long-term unemployment is a massive risk of slipping into poverty, warns AK President Renate Anderl. In order to avoid poverty for the long-term unemployed, the increase in emergency aid should be continued, while job guarantees are effective in the long term. The AK repeats a long-standing demand that unemployment benefits should be increased to 70 percent.

The ÖGB urges an environmental foundation. There is a lot of potential in areas such as thermal renovation or renewable energies, and job seekers could be specifically trained with an environmental foundation. The concepts are there, as is the expertise from existing labor foundations, “the implementation will not fail,” the ÖGB appeals to the federal government. The environmental foundation could be an attractive offer especially for the long-term unemployed.

The FPÖ is concerned about the possible introduction of 3G in the workplace. 3G in the workplace – i.e. vaccinated, tested or recovered – will bring more unemployed people again, “and the small and medium-sized companies, which have already been badly affected by the disproportionate Corona measures, will finally plunge into the economic abyss,” fears FPÖ social spokeswoman Dagmar Belakowitsch. She also calls for measures to prevent industrial companies from moving to low-wage countries.

NEOS economic and social spokesman Gerald Loacker wants to “instead of constantly complaining about unemployment figures”, wants to talk more about the opportunities on the labor market . “Short-time work must finally be ended, because it slows down the upswing and prevents a real restart on the labor market. It is” strange “if the federal government constantly praises itself for the recovery in the labor market, but at the same time the shortage of labor continues to grow in many industries and 144,000 positions are not filled because many people are held on short-time working for tax money, while they are urgently needed at other companies.

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