Rare fossil discovery in Meghalaya: Estimated to be 30-40 million years old

Rare fossil discovery in Meghalaya: Estimated to be 30-40 million years old

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A team of explorers from Core Geo Expedition has made a groundbreaking discovery in Meghalaya, unearthing rare fossil structures estimated to be around 30 to 40 million years old. The fossils were found during an exploration in February 2024, deep within the remote Gongdap village near Tolegre in the South Garo Hills district. Situated approximately 10 km from the renowned town of Siju, this area became the focal point of a three-week expedition by the group.

The Geological Survey of India (GSI) is currently conducting examinations on the fossils. Initial investigations suggest an age range of 35-40 million years, although further tests are required to confirm the exact age and species. The GSI team plans to carry out these tests in a laboratory setting.

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The Core Geo Expedition team, comprised of Tudor Tamas, Milton Sangma, and Salban Manda, traversed over 9 km of subterranean passages during their exploration. They believe the fossils may belong to either the genus Rhodocetus or Ambulocetus, both extinct species considered ancestors of modern whales. They stress the urgency of examining the site before the onset of the monsoon season, as the fossils are vulnerable to both natural forces and human interference.

Highlighting the scientific significance of the find, the expedition team emphasises the need for prompt action by the Meghalaya government. They believe these fossils could be the first of their kind discovered in India and stress the importance of unlocking their secrets to enhance our understanding of prehistoric life.

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Rare fossil discovery in Meghalaya: Estimated to be 30-40 million years old

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Garo Hills, situated in Meghalaya, is a region of breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Named after the Garo tribe, one of the predominant indigenous communities in the area, the region is characterised by lush green hills, dense forests, cascading waterfalls, and meandering rivers. It comprises three districts: West Garo Hills, East Garo Hills, and South Garo Hills. The Garo Hills are known for their unique ecosystem, home to diverse flora and fauna, including several rare and endemic species.

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The region also holds significant archaeological and historical importance, with ancient megaliths and relics scattered throughout. The Garo people, known for their vibrant festivals, traditional music, and colourful attire, add to the cultural richness of the area. Visitors to Garo Hills can explore its natural wonders, experience the warmth of Garo hospitality, and immerse themselves in the region’s fascinating cultural heritage.

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