The new coronavirus variant is out! He is hospitalizing

Omicron as if it wasn’t enough, now we have a new coronavirus

variant has also appeared. The new virus has now appeared in the Russian Administration of South Cyprus . Scientists say that this new variant is a mix of Omicron and Delta. The new variant emerging from these two frightens those who hear it. Leondios Kostrikis, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus, named the mutation ‘Deltacron‘. Although around 25 cases have emerged so far , considering that it spread as fast as Omicron, we will soon have a new agenda. it could be. Although it is too early to tell the effects of the new variant, if Omicron’s infectiousness and Delta’s lethality combine, a frightening result will emerge.

New coronavirus variant is out! Hospitalized


Speaking to a local television channel, the scientist said of the discovery: “‘We will see in the future whether this strain is more pathological or more contagious, or whether it will prevail against the two dominant strains, delta and omicron. ” used the phrases. Of course, having a powerful weapon such as a vaccine provides protection against the disease. koronavirüs

Cambridge University studies said that the Omicron variant is not as strong as other variants in attacking lung cells. However, we will see what will come out as a result of the combination of this variant with Delta.koronavirüs

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