
Christian Sagartz (ÖVP), Regina Petrik (Grüne), Alexander Petschnig (FPÖ) und Robert Hergovich (SPÖ)

Christian Sagartz (ÖVP), Regina Petrik (Greens), Alexander Petschnig (FPÖ) and Robert Hergovich (SPÖ)


On the part of the ÖVP, all national organizations have to the allegations against the Chancellor commented: “The ÖVP state party leaders are united behind Sebastian Kurz and he continues to have our full support. We are convinced that everyone involved will contribute to the clarification as soon as possible. We also assume that the criminally relevant accusations will turn out to be false and can also be cleared up, “says the joint statement.

This underlines ÖVP- State party chairman Christian Sagartz: “Since 2017, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the People’s Party have been confronted time and again with baseless accusations, which over time then turn out to be false. We will not be intimidated by this and I am convinced that these baseless allegations will be completely cleared up. The entire People’s Party stands united behind the Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Together we stand by the government agreement and want to continue working for the people in Austria. We have initiated an eco-social tax reform, which now has to be decided and implemented in parliament. The way out of the pandemic and accompanying the economic upturn are not over yet. There is still a lot to do here for the turquoise-green government. It is now up to the Greens whether they want to continue on this path. “

Greens club chairwoman Regina Petrik spoke out critically:” The impression that has left here is disastrous. It is specifically about the ability of the Chancellor to act. ”In the case of the case,“ everything must be cleared up completely and without political calls, ”says Petrik, referring to the ongoing talks between the parliamentary parties and the talks with Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.

“The presumption of innocence applies, but nothing more. From my point of view, it is the biggest government crisis in the Second Republic, ”said SPÖ club chairman Robert Hergovich about the cause. There was no specific request for resignation, now it is the turn of the authorities, said Hergovich: “If what is in this room is correct, it will be very tight for the Chancellor.”

FPÖ boss Alexander Petschnig speaks of a “turquoise Ibiza scandal” and says: “The decisive organs of the republic are fully in the crosshairs of criminal prosecution and are therefore definitely no longer able to act. In particular, I urge Federal Chancellor Kurz to apply those standards to himself that he expressed in relation to HC Strache in 2019. “

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