Report: Apple Working on MacBook Air 15-inch Model with M3 Chip


During WWDC 2023Apple made an exciting announcement, unveiling the 15-inch MacBook Air, the latest addition to their affordable laptop lineup. Starting on June 13, the new 15-inch Air M2 will be available for purchase in India. Prior to its sale, new information has emerged about the upcoming successor, the 15-inch MacBook Air M3. Let’s dive in.

MacBook Air M3

While the 15-inch MacBook Air M2 is generating significant buzz, rumors about its successor, the 15-inch MacBook Air M3, have already started circulating. According to renowned analyst Mark Gurman, Apple is planning to launch the enhanced M3 version of the MacBook Air lineup in 2024. The upcoming M3 SoC (System on Chip) is expected to offer improved performance and power efficiency.

Apple Working on MacBook Air 15-inch Model with M3 Chip

Enhanced Display and New Form Factors

The M3-powered MacBook Air is likely to feature two screen options: 13.6 inches and 15.3 inches. Apple aims to provide users with a range of choices when it comes to display size. The new MacBook Air M3 is anticipated to adopt TSMC’s 3nm process, which promises notable advancements in performance and efficiency. This chip is expected to offer similar CPU and GPU core counts as the M2 chip, making it a formidable performer in its own right.

Expanding the M3 Lineup

In addition to the MacBook Air, Gurman’s reports suggest that Apple is also working on new models of the iMac and the 13-inch MacBook Pro, both powered by the M3 chip. The iMac M3 will retain the design introduced in 2021 with the M1 iMac, while the MacBook Pro M3 with a 13-inch display may or may not undergo a design update.

MacBook Air M2

Returning to the present, the 15-inch MacBook Air, equipped with the M2 chip, is available in four elegant color options: midnight, starlight, silver, and space grey. It has a starting price of ₹1,34,900, or ₹1,24,900 for students, making it an attractive choice for budget-conscious consumers. If you’re looking for detailed information about this impressively slim laptop, we have a separate article dedicated to it.


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Story firstpublished: Monday, June 12, 2023, 16:14 [IST]

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