Requiem of The Rose King Episode 1: Release Date, Discussion, Watch Online

Requiem of the Rose King touches the sensitive topic of non-binary gender identity with an intersex protagonist born in ancient England.

It is an upcoming historical dark fantasy anime series adapted from a manga of the same name. The anime tells the story of Shakespeare’s Richard III, but from a completely different perspective.

Richard will grow strong with his identity as he faces harassment about his gender and fights to take the throne of England.

How will the plot develop for Richard? Let’s find out as we bring you the latest episode updates of the anime.

Episode 1 Discussion and Speculation

The manga’s plot is set during the bloody “Wars of the Roses” where every noble is competing to become the next king of England. The Duke of York is one of the nobles aspiring for the throne.

Given the plot revolving around the dark fantasy of historic England, what will Richard face as he experiences the criticisms of his identity? Will his non-binary gender lead him to a more potent change with history?

Fans love this series for its portrayal of Richard as well as its fluid art style, which suits the plot. The protagonist finds himself tied with an intimate relationship with Henry VI as the story develops.

We’ll have to wait and see how the series unfolds as Requiem of the Rose King premieres.

Episode 1 Release Date

Episode 1 of the Requiem of the Rose King anime will be released on Sunday, Jan 09, 2022. The episode title or preview has not been shown.

1. Is Requiem of the Rose King on Break This Week?

Episode 1 of Requiem of the Rose King will be released as per schedule. No such delay has been announced.

About Requiem Of The Rose King

Requiem of the Rose King is a dark fantasy manga adaptation of Shakespeare’s Richard III. It is created by Aya Kanno and licensed by Viz Media. It debuted in October 2013 in the Monthly Princess magazine.

Richard is the third son of the House of York, and he believes himself to be cursed and damned since birth. His longings will determine his fate. What will the War of Roses bring for him?

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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Navya Netan

Navya Netan

Meet the Queen of Dragons – When she isn’t busy managing & publishing content for all the verticals, she’s out shopping and making a style statement! Also on team-meets explaining how we lack that oomph!

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